cold hearted

Jan 25, 2009
Hi im abit of a noob on the computer scene and im planning my first build.

Now this is were i am stuck, im getting a XFX NVIDIA nForce 780i SLI MCP motherboard and i obviously will need graphics cards iv been looking at XFX GF 9800GTX+ and was wondering if anyone knew if these two are compatable.

I know the motherboard supports DDR2 800 memory, but when i looked at the graphics card spec it said the technology was DDR3 SDRAM. Does this mean there not compatable?

Help would be realy appreciated, thanks alot.
Graphics card memory is completely separate from the motherboard memory. They work fine together. For first builds, read the motherboard manual. If you can't download it online before ordering, consider getting a different board with Intel chipset. You need to be able to read the manual and understand it. Some are written poorly and incomplete. Manuals by asus, msi, and gigabyte are usually pretty good. And those companies give you better support in the form of bios updates than xfx. Unless you have someone to help you who's built before, you want an easy build with few problems. And stick with crucial, corsair, or samsung pc6400 memory. Memory problems are the most common with any build. I also recommend an antec or corsair power supply at 500-750 watts for any high end video card. I would post my step by step build tips, but it takes me 45 minutes, and I've already done it twice. Good luck.