[Motherboard] should I upgrade my M3N-HT Deluxe motherboard?


Nov 29, 2011
I am going to buy 2 ASUS GTX560 DCII OC graphics cards in a couple of weeks and need to figure out if I should upgrade my system. Right now my Motherboard is an M3N-HT Deluxe and my CPU is a Phenom II x4 965, I feel as if my CPU is still top of the line seeing as I can still over clock it to 3.8 GHZ without breaking a sweat. However I am not sure if my motherboard is up to par with the video cards that I am looking to get seeing that my RAM is still DDR 2. What is the thoughts and opinions of everyone on here?
If your system is stable, don't put any more money into it. Even a ddr3 board won't give you enough performance difference to justify the money. Your next upgrade should be Intel, and the 2500K with board and ddr3 will cost you about $350. If you want to upgrade soon, then get this ram today from newegg; ram won't get any cheaper than this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.761010&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&AID=10446076&PID=361116&SID=FWacv287. The ram only is $24.99 which ends today.
I agree with o1die regarding the MB.

Only once in my life I bought two cards for SLI and I was sorry in less than a month from the time of the purchase because it all came down to benching and posting screenshots on forums. After everyone applauded and the euphoria went down I had hard time selling the cards and exchanging two of them for one better.

2 graphic cards are more or less waste of money. Graphic cards wear off most easily out of the entire spectrum of hardware. And in your case plus paying for another mobo just seems not appropriate. I would keep the MOBO and buy 580 or 6970 (even better). Even better, I would go with i5/i7 system and I bet this will keep you happy a lot longer than SLI although you might be hardcore gamer who only cares about GPU horsepower above everything else.

On another hand, I went from Phenom II 720BE unlocked X4 and overclocked at 3.8 (with DDR2) to I7 2600K @ 5.0. I am happy by knowing that I have faster CPU, RAM and all that but besides the thoughts and the overwhelming feeling of having it, I do not see things moving noticeably faster with my GTX 460. But I am not that much of a gamer (not any more). Just spend your money wisely.