Question Motherboard Standoffs allignment issue


Aug 7, 2022
I'm putting up a PC for the first time. The motherboard standoffs don't seem to align perfectly with the board. They align perfectly without the io shield. The shield seems to be in place. I've managed to screw in only two screws. Is it an issue with the standoff positions?? Or I'm not doing it correctly.
Also is the cpu fan and the sys fan are too closely placed?? Should I get rid of the sysfan??
Take a look at the pictures and please suggest.

The shield is not sitting correctly. You can see the top portion at least how your picture is sitting is restricting the shield from sitting where it belongs. Look at the case you can see the black case lip holding back the shield from resting fully where it need to snap it.
Thnx for the response. The upper lip of the io shield slot on the cabinet is designed like that. The cut isn't perfect. I had to struggle to put the shield in place. Poorly built cabinet.
if seating it correctly doesn't help, IO shields are also springy, as in they form the ground connection to the metal on the connectors, and you usually have to push the motherboard against the IO shield (springy tabs at the side of each connector) to get the screws to line up, you shouldn't have to push it hard, just slightly to bend the spring tabs flatter against the connectors, if it doesn't go, but does without the IO shield, you could just gently bend the IO shield by hand to give you a mm more room, IO shields are pretty thin metal

Also is the cpu fan and the sys fan are too closely placed?? Should I get rid of the sysfan??
Take a look at the pictures and please suggest.

you have a top down cooler sucking air downwards, and the system fan and PSU fan, both are in extract config, all drawing air away from each other kinda like a black hole, also your PSU is going to be cooling it's self from the hot air from the CPU cooler, not that ideal, but it depends on your system specs. I have run quite a cool CPU for years with the PSU effectively acting as an extract and it's been fine.

if your case allows it, as in had an air gap or vent on the other side of the PSU turn the PSU around so it takes in cool air, and as for the system fan, perhaps see if you can get it in the top of the case as an intake instead of messing with the coolers airflow as an exstract?
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I was able to put the board in place. Actually the cutout for the io shield isn't accurate. I had to make a small cut with a plier in the bottom corner to push the shield a little downwards. I guess this types of issues could arise with cheap cabinets like mine. Hence, it's better to be careful while buying cabinets and check by placing the board inside the wheather it seats correctly or not.
if seating it correctly doesn't help, IO shields are also springy, as in they form the ground connection to the metal on the connectors, and you usually have to push the motherboard against the IO shield (springy tabs at the side of each connector) to get the screws to line up, you shouldn't have to push it hard, just slightly to bend the spring tabs flatter against the connectors, if it doesn't go, but does without the IO shield, you could just gently bend the IO shield by hand to give you a mm more room, IO shields are pretty thin metal

Also is the cpu fan and the sys fan are too closely placed?? Should I get rid of the sysfan??
Take a look at the pictures and please suggest.

you have a top down cooler sucking air downwards, and the system fan and PSU fan, both are in extract config, all drawing air away from each other kinda like a black hole, also your PSU is going to be cooling it's self from the hot air from the CPU cooler, not that ideal, but it depends on your system specs. I have run quite a cool CPU for years with the PSU effectively acting as an extract and it's been fine.

if your case allows it, as in had an air gap or vent on the other side of the PSU turn the PSU around so it takes in cool air, and as for the system fan, perhaps see if you can get it in the top of the case as an intake instead of messing with the coolers airflow as an exstract?
I was able to place the board.Had to make a small cut in the corner.

The PSU and the cpu cooler blow air while the cabinet fan extracts and blows out of the cabinet. Hence these fans are not interfering with each other.
I was able to place the board.Had to make a small cut in the corner.
great job, a lot of the tolerances are kind of meh, even with some of the more expensive cases because cost doesn't necessarily always mean quality
The PSU and the cpu cooler blow air while the cabinet fan extracts and blows out of the cabinet. Hence these fans are not interfering with each other.
forgive me for disagreeing with you, but the PSU will draw air in (into it's self I mean) air through that round grill that's facing into your case, the air then comes out on the outside the case from the mesh panel on the same side as the switch/plug, that's just how psu's are. The way you have it, it is acting as an extract, and it will be cooling it's self with warm air from your cpu. Depending on how hot/powerful your cpu is, this might not be good for the psu

The case fan as an extract will at least draw some of the warm air out, instead of letting it all go through the PSU

Your cooler is a top down cooler, you can tell from the shape of the fan blades that it is drawing air towards your motherboard through the heatsink, here's a probably bad diagram of air movement direction:


it's kinda hard to give air flow advice without a zoomed out picture of the whole case, because I'm not really sure which way up it is (hence me saying 'downwards' in my previous comment could have been misleading)