[SOLVED] Motherboard supports DDR3 but not 1600 memory frequency


Sep 5, 2016

I have a motherboard and just now I bought a 8 GB single RAM module. The system powers on and passes the POST but it doesn't see the module at all, it only sees the other 2GB which is what allows it to boot in the first place... I'm not really sure what the problem is, the motherboard does support 8 GB because I made sure that's the case before I bought it. Here is a picture of the module:

The motherboard itself is a Biostar G41D3+ Ver. 6.3 and it does support DDR3, but I noticed that it only supports up to a 1333 frequency while this module is 1600 if I am reading the label right. But then again, wouldn't the memory just run at 1333MHZ instead of 1600MHZ in this case? Or am I wrong?

I need to know the cause of incompatibility before I go back to the shop I bought it from and ask for a replacement. If someone can help me I would really appreciate it. Thank you so very much
That old board may only support low density RAM. Does that stick have rows of chips on both sides or only one? Did you try the ram in both slots? Sometimes there is a special slot that needs to be populated first.

@ Allen Girl
His board only supports 8 gb max.
I didn't think it would only support low density. Ugh wish me luck going back to the CEX store I got this module from and explaining how I need low density. How can I tell the difference between low-density and high-density physically? Anything on the label? Or a special characteristic like two rows of chips as someone mentioned here? Because the staff there will probably not know the difference at all so I just need something to go on from. Thank you
I'm kind of screwed here. They didn't have modules at the local store and they basically told me to go to their website and order it from one of their other locations. They refunded me with a store voucher so I can only buy RAM from them, and the bad part here is that their website just shows generic pictures and no information as to whether it's high or low density memory.

Just to clarify, are we sure that the motherboard only supports low density? Because both the RAM modules it's currently running with only have one row of chips, not two. I am saying this because there are like 6 different variants of that motherboard and so just making sure we are not looking at the wrong version
The Intel G41 chipset had some unusual limitations pertaining to Ram modules. The Intel spec for that chipset originally stated it could only support 4GB. In order to use the full 8GB, the sticks had to be low density. Dual ranked. I'm not sure that limitation applied to using less RAM or not. It's been awhile.
And as we mentioned, it can only use 4GB sticks max per slot. I still have a Gigabyte board in service from the G41 chipset era. It has the full 8GB (2x4GB) of memory allowed. And it only can use low density RAM. I've tried to find a work-around, but to no avail.

Can you link me to the website in question?
Nope. They only refund you with vouchers so there is nothing I can do. Buying RAM they would probably send me high density or maybe even low density, I'm guessing they find random DDR3 sticks from their stock and dispatch them to me, it's basically a gamble that I am not really willing to take and there is nothing we can do about it. What I will do instead is I found a GTX 580 on that website for around the same price as the RAM I got. I'll just get a new GPU instead and upgrade from the ancient GTX 470, I just hope my Q9300 won't bottleneck it

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it
Unfortunately, the aging GTX 580 will be bottleneckd quite a bit by the even older Q9300. But games that are heavily GPU-limited will be helped.

A to the system RAM... how much does the system have now?
How much VRAM does the GTX 580 have? Most had 1.5GB, with a few having 3GB.