Hello. Ive recently bought a 1080TI and Rocket League kept crashing, so i was wondering what was wrong. I downloaded HWinfo to check temperatures and i noticed that it said my motherboard had a temperature of 115°C. Now, Im not an expert, but that cant be right/safe.
Im kind of confused, because even right now when i have nothing open except for discord steam and hwinfo, its still at 114°C.
I havent changed anything except for power supply and gpu, and my gpu is running at a max. temperature of 79°C, so im not sure whats causing my motherboard to have this kind of temperature.
Im kind of confused, because even right now when i have nothing open except for discord steam and hwinfo, its still at 114°C.
I havent changed anything except for power supply and gpu, and my gpu is running at a max. temperature of 79°C, so im not sure whats causing my motherboard to have this kind of temperature.