Motorola Surfboard SBG6580


Jan 22, 2011
I am a comcast customer and replaced their modem with the SBG6580 and the modem does not communicate with their server. It is compatible and a technician came verified tried to get it to work but was unable. The modem works fine and connects to my iMAC just great. Please help! this has been going on for weeks.

I have comcast with the surfboard and it works great. You might just have a bad modem. They do have to configure it and register it on their side but from the sound of it they already tried to do so.

Are you using a router that might be bad?
Heya. Mine, they had to offer an IP to the not-quite-right MAC address, the MAC that's notmally for operation rather than for upstream. It works as a DOCSIS-2 on that MAC, gets an IP, but never gets the time sync. Approx weekly, the number of errors it experiences in this fashion are enough for the Comcast side to boot me off, but it works fine for that week.

Hi, I used the SBG6580 for 14 months on comcast with no problems until recently it stopped working, or at least I thought so. I went to best buy and bought the same model and it too, would not get signal. comcast came out and their modem worked fine. The tech wondered if there was a compatability issue with the SBG6580 Modem.
I am using Motoroola SBG6580 SURFboard wireless router with in Time Warner, but with a lot of problems.
Some days it works OK, some days with a lot of hickups. I changed channels, other options - nothing helped.
Here are some screen when it cannot connect to the Internet:

What is weird - my tablet can access the internet - So maybe it is the problem of Win7?
