Question Mouse And Keyboard doesnt work. (Only in bios)

Aug 27, 2019
I started a project on a old pc, got it to booting up. (It already had all the files and win xp on cd drive) When the XP turned on, my mouse and keyboard stopped working. But it works perfectly in Bios. It doesnt work in any Safe mode. I think that it is maybe because of drivers, but how do I get them if i cant install them?
(It already had all the files and win xp on cd drive)


Never heard of anyone installing XP onto a CD.

OS needs to be installed on machine so that all drivers specific to that machine hardware are installed.

If mouse/keyboard are not working then there are going to be a lot of other issues as well.....

Unless I totally misinterpret your post, you need to re-install the OS.