Question Mouse briefly freezes on wakeup


Dec 24, 2013
As of a few months ago, my mouse has began freezing on the wakeup of my computer. On wakeup, the mouse operate normally, about 3-5 seconds after wakeup it will freeze in place. Finally, after an additional 3 or so seconds my mouse will become responsive once more while also registering all the inputs that occurred during the freeze, so if I was moving my mouse while it was frozen, it will sort of teleport when it comes back. This only occurs on wakeup and isn't particularly intrusive, although it's just enough to annoy me. I've had no hardware changes of any kind and I'm running the latest version of windows 10. If any other information is needed, feel free to ask, thanks.


Key is to discover what the mouse and/or system are doing or trying to do during the freeze ups.

Three tools that may help: Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer (Microsoft, free).

Use each tool but only use one tool at a time.

As I understand your post you can easily create the freezes.

Open the tool and watch for awhile. Then create a freeze and look for what changes.

May take a bit of time and error to work out a method that fits the process and situation.

All three tools can be sorted by clicking column headers so keep that in mind as a way to see what is foremost.

Process Explorer:

See you you can discover.