
Jan 24, 2010
Hoping some one can help. My girlfriend and i wand to move her HD to my cpu. We both are running windows 7, bothe have asus MB and AMD Processors. Can I just plug and play? Or do I have to reformat her hard drive? We want both drives to be able to boot. Any suggestions?

if the mb are not the same you have to boot into save mode on here drive and remove all the old drivers and hope windows will not crash or damage itself when it reloaded the new drivers for the new mb. also windows will come up with a message that it needs to be reregistered with microsoft. when you change the system board windows will know you did.


Sep 10, 2010
Why do you want to have both drives bootable? Just use the one Windows install and set up separate user accounts. Otherwise you will also have to set up a dual boot system / dual boot menu setup.

And her Windows license is for her original PC. Good luck convincing MS to transfer the system from the old to the new without paying a "fee".