Moving HDD with Win 7 from one motherboard to another


Jan 24, 2014
I plan to add hdd to my desktop just to install Windows 7 pro x64 on to it and than move that hard drive to another computer.
During instalation I will enter key for Windows 7 that I have on another PC/desktop where Im moving hdd.

My concerns are next: Will the system boot from that hdd on another computer (if I set correct settings in bios, ofc) and is there going to be any problem with drivers on another computer if Win7 automatically installed drivers for first motherboard.
Also I am interested in any problem that might occur during this kind of operation.

I never done this before and consider this to be saving of time, because when i get to another machine I saved about 1h of installing windows and I'm only left with adding programs and few drivers. Thank you
Depending on the difference in the hardware, unlikely to actually boot up.
Trying to save an hour by install it on System A and then moving that drive to System B may result in several hours of "Crap, it did not work" and you have to do it again anyway.

Just wait until the drive is in the system where it will live.
Depending on the difference in the hardware, unlikely to actually boot up.
Trying to save an hour by install it on System A and then moving that drive to System B may result in several hours of "Crap, it did not work" and you have to do it again anyway.

Just wait until the drive is in the system where it will live.