MSI 870-C45 AM3+ Compatibility?


Dec 18, 2011
Hi, this is my first build and I just have a specific question really. I have the MSI 870-C45 Motherboard, which has an AM3 socket, and was looking to purchase an AM3+ CPU, an AMD Bulldozer FX-6 Six Core 6100 Black Edition 3.40GHz to be precise with you guys. i was wondering, will my MSI 870-C45 AM3 socket accept this AM3 CPU? Please Help! Cheers,
Charlie :??:
IF this is your motherboard:, then it will support your 6100 with the right bios file. Some boards have to be flashed first with an older am3 cpu to work with newer bulldozers.
No, this is not my board, this is the 'FX' Version, whereas I only have the standard 870-C45 Model. Looks like i'll be going with the 'old Phenom II then.

Thanks anyway Man.