Question MSI Afterburner shows really low 1% and 0.1% frametime ?

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Jan 6, 2023
MSI Afterburner shows 30 fps 1% low and 6 fps shows 0.1% low. Is this normal or not? This was in rocket league. It shows 0 in many other games. The games feel so weird like latency and choppy. I have 240 fps normal. I don't know if it helps, but when the machine arrived, I didn't assemble it and the gpu was half in the connector and half not. At first I didn't notice until the PC stopped working. I don't understand their hgozza, so I just pushed in the other half of the gpu, which is a Manli rtx 3070ti. I didn't notice that it had clicked into place, but it didn't come out. However, the copper contacts were visible from the gpu slot, I adjusted them so that they were no longer visible.

I have tried:

  • no v-sync or other sync
  • windows clean install
  • I use the lowest settings in the -nvidia panel, but they looked choppy even at high settings
  • in addition to this, I tried many things even within Windows, e.g.: game mode on or off, H.A.G.S on or off
  • XMP is enabled (it's not on qvl)
  • My pc doesn't heat up
  • everything looks perfect except the fps
  • resizebar enabled

Edit: My bad - - now 1% low and 0.1% low looks good, but games still feel choppy ?
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Hey there,

Please list your full PC specs.

I've found that the 1% lows aren't reported correctly with Afterburner.

When gaming press ALT-Z to run the nVIdia Overlay. Note the 99% percentile there. They do not match the reported FPS from AB.

Using Gsync (if it's available on your monitor) does that stop the issue?

What power plan are you using? All system drivers up to date? What bios are you running?
Hey there,

Please list your full PC specs.

I've found that the 1% lows aren't reported correctly with Afterburner.

When gaming press ALT-Z to run the nVIdia Overlay. Note the 99% percentile there. They do not match the reported FPS from AB.

Using Gsync (if it's available on your monitor) does that stop the issue?

What power plan are you using? All system drivers up to date? What bios are you running?

I found out in msi afterburner I had to set a button on benchmark section, so when I start it it'll be good. Or Did you find it wrong at all? I tried to use g-sync and it's not better. Here is a link for a video:
( It feels like something is not correct with my games. What do you think?). Btw this video is 60 fps, but I play on 240 fps with 240 Hz monitor.
Yes all driver are up to date. Prefer maximum performance in nvidia panel and in windows performance. I have the newest BIOS. 3401 Asus b660m plus wifi d4. I saw there's a newer one, but that's BETA.
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