What enthusiasts fail to recognized is that the vast majority if computers are NOT rebuilt; ever. So you can complain that companies are being greedy when in fact they are being cost effective and almost the entirety of our world doesn't care because it doesn't affect them.
I would estimate [wild ass guess, no research] that 99% of all PCs and Laptops are never upgraded, but replaced (think Corporations, Universities, your slack-jawed relatives who still want to you to "install the internet"). The people who actually build their own computers make up about 1% of that (again, Wild-ass guess). And of those, they are not swapping in new CPUs every year or two. I used to upgrade my CPU(and Mobo and RAM) every three years. Now, I've waited over five years because they are actually good enough for that long. So when I get around to upgrading my Core i5-3570K, I won't care that Intel has changed architecture 3-5 times. Next year (I hope) I will use the wonderful resources at websites likes this to choose a Z270 and matching CPU or a Z370 based on my needs and finances. And I won't care if Intel flips things in another year because a) it is unlikely that something will die in that time and b) if it does, I can replace it with the same component because they are still available.
Of course, I realize this is an enthusiast website and we love our computers and upgrading them. But us complaining about what Intel is doing is like yacht owners complaining that their 1 year old Yacht doesn't have room for the 88" in TV; only an 85" TV. It's a valid complaint, it's not cost effective to give a... fig.