bit_user :
stdragon :
Uh, I thought nVidia was going to call this the 11 series, as in 1180 etc. So instead, it's official, the 20xx?
Think about it like this: 1100 seems only a little better than 1000. But 2000 seems
way better than 1000. That's why I think they're probably now incrementing by 1000, instead of 100 per generation.
See, this is why I don't work in marketing.
I mean, I get what your saying, and I suppose that is their line of thinking. But...I just disagree with it. After 11, they could have moved on to 12 and so on. Now, going from 20 to 21 will seem so lame. So by that measure, I guess they will move on to 30 after 20? Sheesh!
People in marketing are often idiots!
/end rant