MSI GTX 1070ti Titanium or MSI gtx 1080 Gaming


Jun 12, 2016
i m looking for gpu upgrade, my current gpu is msi gtx 960 2g gaming
i m on tight budget for gtx 1080 but i can easily go for 1070ti budget wise. i would like to know difference between both cards are noticeable? or i should just go gtx1080 to avoid gap.


thank you

Best to go with the GTX 1080.

The GTX 1070Ti will never match a GTX 1080, and you have to OC it to the moon, both GPU and Memory to even get close.

And that's with the GTX 1080 at stock speed, you can OC them also.

THat's if you are buying now, if you can wait a month or more the RTX cards will be out and benchmarks will be out to see how they perform.

Unless you're going to upgrade your monitor, there will be no difference between the 2 cards. Obviously the 1080 is a little more powerful than the 1070ti, but there's not much in overclocked 1070ti can match a stock 1080.

What's the rest of your specs? It's just that you're going from a 960 to a possible 1080, and to run it to it's full potential you'll need a good CPU. I assume your power supply is up to the task?

i5 7500
Asus strix H270F
16gb gskill
antec VP 550
250 gb ssd
1TB hdd

P.S m gonna upgrading K series build with baby steps starting from gpu

That CPU should still be fine, especially if you don’t have a 144Hz monitor. If I were you, I personally would wait for benchmarks on a 2070 before buying anything. We should have them in a few weeks. Too bad the 2060 hasn’t been announced yet because that would probably be a better choice than any of these cards for 1080p gaming.

Well as i said my ugrade would be in small steps but still what would be ur pick? Saving some bucks for unnoticed difference would be wise enough??


Best to go with the GTX 1080.

The GTX 1070Ti will never match a GTX 1080, and you have to OC it to the moon, both GPU and Memory to even get close.

And that's with the GTX 1080 at stock speed, you can OC them also.

THat's if you are buying now, if you can wait a month or more the RTX cards will be out and benchmarks will be out to see how they perform.


I realised that card doesn’t have led logo or something, i m just hoping its just performance based card which m expecting

It's a GTX 1080, it will perform very well.