MSI GTX 980ti 99% usage and above 70°C whilst playing games


Mar 26, 2016
So i recently bought a new MSI 980ti GPU and when i start up a game like overwatch or any game my GPU on msi afterburner reaches 99% usage and also is also a constantant 70°C or over i have changed the fan speed on my case fans but when i touch the case it feels really hot what can i do to fix this also is there a way to change the GPU fan speed i gave checked the nvidia control panel?

What is the size of your case?
How many fans do you have ?
Is your case small ?

If your case is small and has very little fans add more fans and get a bigger case, depending on your FPS levels then you could cap or lower your graphics settings, if your running ULTRA setting then turn them to the next one down and see if that reduces the temps...
My guess so far is that my case is very compact as i have a really big cpu fan which just about has enough room my other guess is that my case does not have many fan to cool all of my parts -_-

What is the size of your case?
How many fans do you have ?
Is your case small ?

If your case is small and has very little fans add more fans and get a bigger case, depending on your FPS levels then you could cap or lower your graphics settings, if your running ULTRA setting then turn them to the next one down and see if that reduces the temps and usage.

hope this helps
Thank you for responding my case is a medium size but very compact for all the big parts i have i currently have 2 case fans and i will definitely try the other settings first and i am definitely getting a bigger case with more fans :)

your more than welcome