Question MSI Motherboard disconnects SATA ports

Sep 26, 2019
I've had this MSI A68HM-P33 V2 for roughly 1 year and 3 months now, came with a AMD Athlon X4 840 and a 4GB SDRAM Kingmax, I had my gpu for over 2 years now, a Radeon RX460 and an HDD Toshiba DT01ACA050thats older than 6 and had been reinstalled 4 times.

Now, to my problem.
I have a Teclast 240GB A800 SSD which I don't think is older than 8 months but was bought from a retailer known to sell 2nd hand hardware.
I installed my OS there with the thought that it's faster than my old HDD.

After I boot my PC I am met with the EFI shell and when I check the board explorer in BIOS the SATA port 1 where I have my SSD is empty.
I found out that if I unplug and plug in the PSU cable and restart, then spam the button to enter BIOS the board explorer sees it and recognizes it.
After I save and exit by putting it to boot from the SSD the PC resets and puts me in EFI Shell, when I type exit and return to the BIOS the SATA port is empty again.

I've tried:
Switching cables​
Switching ports​
Rearranging Boot options​
Disabling and enabling win8/8.1/10 configurations​
Disabling fast boot​
Restoring defaults​
Resetting hardware monitor to defaults(for some reason it says my CPU temp is dead frozen at 128C and fan speed at 1850)​
I welcome all suggestions and will ask on different sites and forums as well.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry for the long wall of text,
TLDR: MSI BIOS disconnects SSD SATA port on reset
Perhaps you have a power plan where the disk are set to sleep after a certain amount of time check under advanced options in your Windows power plan and see what is set there. Just set that option to none. If this is not the issue it is most likely your SSD that is simply failing and need to be re placed so do a RMA on it.
The power plans and management options are all disabled both by default and weren't changed at times the SSD worked.

On a blessed occasion after a few hundred resets the OS actually launches, but in the timeframe of the next 5 minutes it BSOD's with either CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED or CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED .

I'll respond as soon as I can when I receive a response...