So about a couple weeks ago, my graphics card has been running into issues with games crashing once I join in them.
It says:
"A fatal error occurred in the graphics driver.
Result:'Device removed, Reason:
DXGI_Error_Device_Hung:Graphics device stopped responding.
There might be an infinite loop in a GPU Program.'
I have tried new drivers, but that will just crash my game, but when I try old drivers it lags my game using up 100% of my CPU.
If anyone could help that would be awesome, thank you
It says:
"A fatal error occurred in the graphics driver.
Result:'Device removed, Reason:
DXGI_Error_Device_Hung:Graphics device stopped responding.
There might be an infinite loop in a GPU Program.'
I have tried new drivers, but that will just crash my game, but when I try old drivers it lags my game using up 100% of my CPU.
If anyone could help that would be awesome, thank you