Normally I'd have some sort of angry and outraged reaction. Then I'd follow up about concerns over how this is going to affect PC gaming and future game development. Then cap it off with a mention of how the PC building hobby is being destroyed by GPU vendors.
Really though, normal gamers can't buy GPUs anymore. Even crappy low-end GPUs are gone. Go ahead MSI, ASUS, Zotac, and friends -- raise those prices. Double them actually. Seriously, do it. We're at the point now where you need a highly optimized bot on AWS just to have a chance to get a GPU, or you have to camp out at the local Microcenter the night before. Zero effort is being put towards matching GPUs with gamers, so if vendors are just going to keep dumping their products on Amazon, Newegg, Best Buy, Microcenter, and so on, then jack up those prices to the extreme. The only people who would hurt from this action are the miners and scalpers.