Question MSI RTX 3080 Framerate

Dec 18, 2020
I just picked up a 3080 MSI gaming Trio and my frame rates are just terrible in comparison to my old GPU. On my old 1660, I had a stable 250 FPS when playing Overwatch and now I can't even get above 150 frames with my new 3080 on the exact same setting. I don't know why I seem to be getting lower FPS on shooters with my 3080 but on GTA V and other RPGs, I'm getting around 150 with maxed settings. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, it seems a little disappointing that my frames are worse on a 3080 than on 1660.

Asus Z390-A Prime
G.Skill Trident RGB 3200mhz
EVGA 850 Supernova 80+gold
Download the latest drivers from Nvidia and also get DDU Uninstaller. Uninstall the current driver using DDU then install the latest driver, see if that will fix it
There's definitely some settings differences between your 1660 and 3080. Do you have ray tracing on?
Your Userbenchmark isn't bad. There's only about a 25fps difference between your score and the best RTX 3080 on Userbenchmark. Don't listen to the 'performing below potential' wording as it's misleading.
My problem is that my GPU max uses 40% utilization. I get a whopping 45FPS in GTA Online on Ultra with my RTX 3080 and Ryzen 5 3600. I'm so disappointed with this card so far. I've tried DDU and that won't help.