MTGO strategy coverage on the web?



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Does anyone know of a website where MTGO strategy (metagame,
deckbuilding, etc.) gets coverage? I know of sites like and, but they don't have much
MTGO-specific coverage. does a "budget deckbuilding" column,
but I'm hoping to find more like that elsewhere.

For instance: if I was to compete in a Standard constructed tournament
online, what decks would I expect to face? Or would it be much the same
as what I would face at a paper-card event?

What about drafting? Are online drafts in a different "strategy space"
than offline? (It occurs to me that someone's more likely to try, and to
get away with, "rare-drafting" online, because of the anonymity.)

(Posted from an account used as a SPAM dump. If you really want to get
in touch with me, dump the 'jboes' and substitute 'mur'.)
Jeffery Boes <><


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Jeff Boes wrote:
> (It occurs to me that someone's more likely to try, and to
> get away with, "rare-drafting" online, because of the anonymity.)

You see people getting ostracized in real life for rare drafting?
I just get laughed at for doing it!
Really, drafts are "take the card you want".
If you're willing to throw a tourney to build your collection,
that's your right.
And anyone who whines about it better stop passing rares. <g>


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On Tue, 04 May 2004 17:12:51 GMT, Jeff Boes <> wrote:

>Does anyone know of a website where MTGO strategy (metagame,
>deckbuilding, etc.) gets coverage? I know of sites like
> and, but they don't have much
>MTGO-specific coverage. does a "budget deckbuilding" column,
>but I'm hoping to find more like that elsewhere.
Really, the formats are the same, the card availability is (roughly)
the same... they're the same formats. The differences lie in certain
playstyles being better than others (or so I've read). Control decks
would have a lot of "stops" programmed in, so you have to be fast in
order to not run out of time. Things like that.

>For instance: if I was to compete in a Standard constructed tournament
>online, what decks would I expect to face? Or would it be much the same
>as what I would face at a paper-card event?
It should be the same, right? I mean, the metagame varies from
tournament to tournament anyway... the only format that's different
online is "Online Extended." Do they even have tournaments in that?

>What about drafting? Are online drafts in a different "strategy space"
>than offline? (It occurs to me that someone's more likely to try, and to
>get away with, "rare-drafting" online, because of the anonymity.)

I wouldn't expect it any less or more online than off, personally.
I've never seen people who are inclined to rare-draft *not* do it
because they know everyone there.

-- pseudosoldier


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Sorcier wrote:
> Jeff Boes wrote:
> >
> > (It occurs to me that someone's more likely to try, and to
>> get away with, "rare-drafting" online, because of the anonymity.)
> You see people getting ostracized in real life for rare drafting?
> I just get laughed at for doing it!
> Really, drafts are "take the card you want".
> If you're willing to throw a tourney to build your collection,
> that's your right.
> And anyone who whines about it better stop passing rares. <g>

Well, actually I've only participated in about three booster draft
events -- all online. I've no idea what the "interpersonal dynamics" are
in a face-to-face draft.

(Posted from an account used as a SPAM dump. If you really want to get
in touch with me, dump the 'jboes' and substitute 'mur'.)
Jeffery Boes <><