Question Multiple fresh Windows 11 installs get BSOD issues ?


Oct 31, 2012
Hi everyone. I am having a major issue here that in 12 years of PC building I have never faced. Usually fresh windows installs are never a problem with me, but this go round i have installed Windows 3 times and eventually see random BSOD.

Before I start, I want to point out that before this mess started, my PC was running 100% fine. The reason for the windows re-install was because I made a boo-boo with trying to create a dual boot ordeal for Linux that I'm trying to get into. Before I tried that, I was doing gaming, video editing, audio production... No issues at all for months on end.

Here's my system specs:
-Gigabyte Xtreme x570 motherboard (rev 1.1)
-Bios version F38
-AMD Ryzen 9 3950x CPU
-64 gigs of DDR4 Corsair ram (32x2)
-Nvidia RTX 2080ti gpu
-2tb Gigabyte M.2 SSD boot drive (pcie gen4)
-Blacknagic design capture card (pciE)
-A pciE 4 port USB-C card
-Wondows 11 Pro - off the top of my head I am not sure the exact build number because I'm not at my computer at this point but it's whatever the latest version that the Windows media creation tool makes.

The ram is pretty new. I bought the kit a couple of months ago and ran test on it when I first installed them with memtest86. Never had any issues or error reports.

These install steps are the same steps I took every time I've reinstalled Windows yesterday. I've gotten random BSOD issues after every single install attempt, after never having this issue over the last 5 years when installing Windows on this system specific system.

So, yesterday, I created a brand new Windows 11 USB drive to install from. I put the USB drive in the PC and loaded up the windows 11 installer. When prompted, I deleted all the partitions from Disc 0 wich was my main boot drive; the Gigabyte 2tb drive, and then created a new partion to install to. Windows then creates its other recovery portions and begins the installation.

I bypassed the whole Microsoft account sign in ordeal and boot into the desk top. Windows turn started pulling updates automatically from their servers.

The first thing that I did was installed the Nvidia graphics driver via the Nvidia GeForce experience app. So I know for a fact that I have the latest video driver for my graphics card.

The next thing I did was I went to my motherboard's website and downloaded all of the chipset drivers and the hardware drivers for my Wi-Fi, dual ethernet ports, and Bluetooth and installed those.

Everything runs fine for a bit, but after a while I start getting hard blue screen crashes. The blue screen doesn't stay on the screen for only a second, so I can't even see what the stop code is most the time.

Are a couple of these crashes, my system wouldn't even reboot. It would just hang there. Do I would kill the power, and reboot.

Here's where things get a little weird. A couple of times out crashed, my Gigabyte SSD wouldn't even show up on the BIOS as being connected. I got it to come back after doing a full power cycle/bios default reset. That happened a couple times. Could my SSD be going bad some how? It's about 4 and 1/2 years old now, but I'm not sure how to test it.

Now everything shows up fine in the BIOS and it sees the Windows boot partition each time, but the cranes keep occurring. Sometimes instantly before the sign in screen pops up, sometimes it boots fine and runs for a hour 20 to 40 minutes before it crashes.

I'm not doing anything heavy on it when these crashes occur, either. I'm mostly just using my Brave web browser to downloaf software that needs installed, and then installing said software. I do video and audio production work, so I'm installing quite a bit of applications. So between that and the Windows updates that got installed, I'm not sure what could be the issue.

I noticed that's a crashes started to happening after I installed corsair's iCue program for my LED lights and Corsair hardware, so I noted up into safe mode and uninstalled it, but when I went back into normal boot, it crashed again.

I'm not sure how to pull or view dump files to report crashes because I've never had to do this before. Is Windows 11 set up by default to save these crashes as files and if so how can I get in there to get them before it crashes so I could report back what I find?

Any help would amazing. My frustration level is at max right now. As a system builder, I've never had this much issue before with fresh installs.

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer. My frustration level is at max right now. As a system builder, I've never had fresh windows 11 installs go this horribly before.


Oct 31, 2012
Do you have a spare hdd to test Windows install on? Would surely tell you if m2 ssd is indeed the culprit. Sounds like it, if it randomly stops being detected in bios.
I do, and I plan on testing today.

Do far it have stopped showing up on bios again, but it's still crashing. The only thing that make me think it could be the SSD Is I am downloading a very large installer for music production. It's a 300+ gig collection of uncompressed wav file from samples.

So far the only stop code that's been on the screen long enough for me to see is "Critical Process Died'


I do, and I plan on testing today.

Do far it have stopped showing up on bios again, but it's still crashing. The only thing that make me think it could be the SSD Is I am downloading a very large installer for music production. It's a 300+ gig collection of uncompressed wav file from samples.

So far the only stop code that's been on the screen long enough for me to see is "Critical Process Died'

Behaviour of a dying ssd can be random, if it is dying.