Musings: The end of Graphics cards?

I was just looking at the following picture at the Inquirer and thinking: Well why not not make a few of them VPUs intsead?

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

I know it's not the same, but just think along those lines; something to make your brain Freeze and say, Hmmm!

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
Yeah, but that won't be the barrier if the firmwaree makes it 'THINK' it's travelling along a seperate bus. Seriously SOFTWARE is the least of the restrictions. The future isn't now, but we shall see. This may be the view of things to come (although I still think Intel's vision of many distinct processing segments is a better idea).

Also with all the 'cheap' programing labour out there what the heck build monsterous things, because as Billy-Boy says, <A HREF="" target="_new">'it's hardware that drives software'</A>.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
oh yes ive been thinkikn about this for quite some time...

nothings faster than having everything done on the processor die. theres no reason why they cant make an architecture that can do everything a stadard processor and VPU can all in one package


Nvidia CPU+GPU in one? Could happen. I'm wondering why Sony hasn't yet made a desktop CPU and/or GPU.

<font color=blue>
I will not add another word.
Horace </font color=blue>
I have read alot of things about how NV or ATI could potentially swallow up the CPU in the future just as the CPU has done with many componints on the MoBo.

It is possible. But will it happen... you got to think more like who's CPU would they... and if it isn't Intel or AMD who's? mabey they will make their own... i dunno...

its possible... but not for years yet anyhow.

ASUS P4S8X - P4 2.4B - 2 x 512M DDR333 - ATI 9500 Pro(Sapphire) - WD 80G HD (8M Buffer) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW - Iomega Zip 250 int.
Didn't you just PM me an hour ago saying "I have no time to post", X is a poopoo head, Y is dearest comrade, etc, etc. :evil:

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
Yeah, I was just messing with you bud (as usual) It's always a pleasure to see your face pop in the scene.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
In 8-10 years all those chips will fit on a single die that's around the size of a dime.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
And if it is the PS3 chip, I meant DESKTOP. When is Sony going to start building desktop components.

<font color=blue>
I will not add another word.
Horace </font color=blue>
In 8-10 years all those chips will fit on a single die that's around the size of a dime.

theres no faster way to do it of course, so its the only logical way to go. a VPU/GPU IS a processor.....

and it doesnt nessessarily have to be nVidia or ATI that makes it.

the motherboard will someday be obsolete. so will memory as we know it... probably all end up in a very very very small single chip package


Exactly, I read in the Inquirer that Intel plans on having 9-24+ seperate processors on a single die. Now if you can dedicate them to different task (set 4+ to VPU operations then you can dedcate 2 to one monitor and one two the two surround. And for 2D (MS Office type stuff) only 1 would be needed for the graphics load. And for Extremely taxing graphical work more could be dedicated on the fly to that.

Anywhoo, that really peaked my interest and is definitely the way that they need to go IMO, as we'll only be able to push so much more speed out of the silicon even with SOI type technology advances.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
One of my professors showed me a processor board, it was aourn 18" x18", and it looked like a MACROSCOPIC version of a 286 core!

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
More info/photos at Xbi Labs;

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

So, eight cores (4 -duals) with each pair sharing 1.9 + 36 mb of cache. Now that's some serious power. I'd love to see if that could be made to do VPU functions smoothly. Anywo if not now, likely in the near future IMO. I just wonder how much it's gonna cost (heck the Xeon w/ 4mb cache is a freakin' mortgage payment to buy!).

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:
the motherboard will someday be obsolete. so will memory as we know it... probably all end up in a very very very small single chip package
Although it IS the way to go, it's also the worst way to go. It's a step in the absolute limited. No more flexibility. People are complaining the ODMC on K8 is limiting RAM flexbility. Who knows?
You certainly won't have as much fidelity and strength without a dedicated sound card, with its circuits and stuff, it seems logical to me.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:
You have a good point... i we loose the MoBo...we might as well be buying a MAC...customising will be imposible...

mind you by the time that all comes... cutomizing to get speeds will no longer be of any use... it'll all be lightning fast anyhow.

but what of compition...will there be any?

ASUS P4S8X - P4 2.4B - 2 x 512M DDR333 - ATI 9500 Pro(Sapphire) - WD 80G HD (8M Buffer) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW - Iomega Zip 250 int.
Yeah, imagine upgrading for over 2000$ worth each time.

In fact, we wouldn't return to MACs (it's not very true anymore now), we'd be returning to OLD MAC days, which is even worse.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:
You certainly won't have as much fidelity and strength without a dedicated sound card

but thats due to the weakness of todays hardware.

sure we can enjoy having 100 different pieces in our computers, some made by different companies .. this allows us to customize as you said. sure its nice, but i see it as a weakness. creates bottlenecks, hardware and software incompatabilities...

Yeah, imagine upgrading for over 2000$ worth each time.

perhaps.. but remember that soon processors will hit a physical brick wall... and other roads will have to be explored, like the amazingly interesting quantum computing. personal computing technology is going at lightspeed right now so it HAS to slow down sometime.

i can picture a day when processor platforms will be useful for 5-10 years at a stretch, bceause someday they will be that powerful. theres absolutly no reason why a single processor die can do all teh tasks of todays computers in hardware (no software emulation like onboard sound) and exponentially faster. its quite exciting... im going to [-peep-] my pants when the first quantum processor is announced for public release...

the future holds amazing things.. our computing technology will allow us to unlock alot of unanswered questions..math is the language of the universe and also of processors

but yeah your right, 2000$ upgrade at a time would suck pretty hard :)


but thats due to the weakness of todays hardware.
Mon dieu es-tu fou Phial? :tongue:
That's contradicting my statement! I meant that statement as in sound hardware now is strong. I meant if we put everything on the die, how can you achieve sound performance as good as a sound card? The Audigy 2 already has phenomenal performance. In fact there's nothing about "performance" as computing performance but rather sound effects fidelity. Without the special things a sound card holds, it'd be a thermal disaster packing electronics on a die like this. Maybe you can install the sound electronics near the CPU packing the sound capabilities, but how much is there that's similar in a sound card APU compared to the CPU anyways? So going back to installing around the die, doesn't that imply we'll need to pack too much? Imagine surrounding the board itself with the video RAM as well and all graphical components around that central processing unit (granted the term CPU would really mean CENTRAL).

What I am saying: Although it's ideal, you will be effectively centralizing, therefore proprietary hardware will come back. Just like a centralized government. You don't have much place to diversify. You're left with a unit only and can't do jack about it, and will need to pack all the hardware properties (sound, video, etc.) around that die. Packing = More heat generally.

That's where I don't like such vision. And I doubt it will happen that way. Not everything will be on the die, but we can make the effort to shrink components' demands and turn mainboards even smaller yet packing superior power. It's going to happen, and it will work. But buying a comp put on a board that fits the palm of your hand? There's gotta be a catch!

perhaps.. but remember that soon processors will hit a physical brick wall... and other roads will have to be explored, like the amazingly interesting quantum computing. personal computing technology is going at lightspeed right now so it HAS to slow down sometime.

i can picture a day when processor platforms will be useful for 5-10 years at a stretch, bceause someday they will be that powerful. theres absolutly no reason why a single processor die can do all teh tasks of todays computers in hardware (no software emulation like onboard sound) and exponentially faster. its quite exciting... im going to [-peep-] my pants when the first quantum processor is announced for public release...

the future holds amazing things.. our computing technology will allow us to unlock alot of unanswered questions..math is the language of the universe and also of processors
Phial did you just disappear from the forum on a quest to find your identity and came back a visionary of technology?! 😱

You look different. Is that a new nipple?

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol:
I think the main driving factor though will be that young men can look at hot porn faster and at higher res than ever before!

<b>I am not a AMD fanboy.
I am not a Via fanboy.
I am not a ATI fanboy.
I AM a performance fanboy.
And a low price fanboy. :smile:
Mr no integrity coward.</b>
Poobaa, you are the element that drives imagination further
Poobaa, you are the fruit of vision
Poobaa, you ARE the visionary
Poobaa, we hold your ever thought-provoking comments as the basket of holyness the gods desired them to be
Poobaa, we LURVE you!


<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol: