but thats due to the weakness of todays hardware.
Mon dieu es-tu fou Phial? :tongue:
That's contradicting my statement! I meant that statement as in sound hardware now is strong. I meant if we put everything on the die, how can you achieve sound performance as good as a sound card? The Audigy 2 already has phenomenal performance. In fact there's nothing about "performance" as computing performance but rather sound effects fidelity. Without the special things a sound card holds, it'd be a thermal disaster packing electronics on a die like this. Maybe you can install the sound electronics near the CPU packing the sound capabilities, but how much is there that's similar in a sound card APU compared to the CPU anyways? So going back to installing around the die, doesn't that imply we'll need to pack too much? Imagine surrounding the board itself with the video RAM as well and all graphical components around that central processing unit (granted the term CPU would really mean CENTRAL).
What I am saying: Although it's ideal, you will be effectively centralizing, therefore proprietary hardware will come back. Just like a centralized government. You don't have much place to diversify. You're left with a unit only and can't do jack about it, and will need to pack all the hardware properties (sound, video, etc.) around that die. Packing = More heat generally.
That's where I don't like such vision. And I doubt it will happen that way. Not everything will be on the die, but we can make the effort to shrink components' demands and turn mainboards even smaller yet packing superior power. It's going to happen, and it will work. But buying a comp put on a board that fits the palm of your hand? There's gotta be a catch!
perhaps.. but remember that soon processors will hit a physical brick wall... and other roads will have to be explored, like the amazingly interesting quantum computing. personal computing technology is going at lightspeed right now so it HAS to slow down sometime.
i can picture a day when processor platforms will be useful for 5-10 years at a stretch, bceause someday they will be that powerful. theres absolutly no reason why a single processor die can do all teh tasks of todays computers in hardware (no software emulation like onboard sound) and exponentially faster. its quite exciting... im going to [-peep-] my pants when the first quantum processor is announced for public release...
the future holds amazing things.. our computing technology will allow us to unlock alot of unanswered questions..math is the language of the universe and also of processors
Phial did you just disappear from the forum on a quest to find your identity and came back a visionary of technology?!
You look different. Is that a new nipple?
<A HREF="http://www.lochel.com/THGC/album.html" target="_new"><font color=blue><b>This just in, over 56 no-lifers have their pics up on THGC's Photo Album! </b></font color=blue></A> :lol: