
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

Well done guys,....

Thanks for your respones to Liam's problem, that should
shine some light on what he needs to do,.
apologise if I came across too strong but felt his
question was not fully answered.

We must remeber their may be novices amongst us who's
insight into resources is restricted or simply they do not
know where to look.

Keep up the good work


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

In news:24a6901c4602c$79429250$a601280a@phx.gbl,
tash <> posted a question
Then Kevin replied below:
> Well done guys,....
> Thanks for your respones to Liam's problem, that should
> shine some light on what he needs to do,.
> apologise if I came across too strong but felt his
> question was not fully answered.
> We must remeber their may be novices amongst us who's
> insight into resources is restricted or simply they do not
> know where to look.
> Keep up the good work

You have to understand we are not all in the same time zone, sometimes you
might have to wait for the time zone to roll over. We all have different
schedules and it is still early here in Texas.

Best regards,
Kevin D4 Dad Goodknecht Sr. [MVP]
Hope This Helps
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Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

In news:24a6901c4602c$79429250$a601280a@phx.gbl,
tash in <> posted their thoughts, then I
offered mine
> Well done guys,....
> Thanks for your respones to Liam's problem, that should
> shine some light on what he needs to do,.
> apologise if I came across too strong but felt his
> question was not fully answered.
> We must remeber their may be novices amongst us who's
> insight into resources is restricted or simply they do not
> know where to look.
> Keep up the good work

I'm curious why Liam didn't see the previous 'same' responses and curious
why he posted it 3 times?

I'm curious why you posted with your concerns for Liam, because his previous
threads were already answered, unless you didn't see the other same exact
threada he posted with the same exact question, which all had the same
responses, especially from Kevin trying to help him out?

My response was different noting the resolver service function, but the
resolver service functionis something we do not recommend to do since it
involves registry changes on ALL machines, and is not practical to alter
default behavior but rather get a more reliable DNS server.


Please direct all replies ONLY to the Microsoft public newsgroup so all
can benefit. This posting is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties and
confers no rights.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

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