My attempt at cable management, can I do better?


Jun 21, 2012
Ok, so I ignored the general word of mouth and bought a non-modular psu for my rig. Thinking it wouldn't be that big of a deal, I purchased a 900w antec psu and now I have an enormous jungle of cords swamping my HAF X case. Here are some pics of what it looks like

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I tried to do a bit of cable management but the most I could manage was simply moving a few cords into the empty hard drive bays since everything else was connected and unable to be moved.

Here's the pics of the wires after my "cable management" attempt

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Uploaded with What I'm wondering is what I can do to improve upon my initial efforts and if there even is anything I can do seeing as I have a modular psu

This has to be a troll! haha

If its not:

- Your no.1 priority is to reinstall that CPU cooler, the fan is facing the wrong way! The wants to be sucking air in from the Drive bay area, blowing it throw the metal fins, and out the back of the case, and the case fan should be helping by sucking that air out.

- Just take the PSU out and start again, take both the back case panel off and route all the wire through one of the holes in the back plate, then only have the wires you need coming back through at appropriate locations. Any spare cables, tie them up and store them behind the back mobo pannel, or behind the drive cages.
MY EYES!!!!!! THEY BURNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 10, 2012
Is this a troll thread? Or did you really miss the point of that cases cable management.

try to use some thought when you cable. I would start by just unplugging ALL of that mess. Route the cables throught behind the sidepanel then bring them out the neccassary place to connect to the mobo and if you have alot of cables going through the same hole tie them together... 1 big cable looks better than 398787798 little ones.
lol looks like a spider tried to make a web from yer cables...
remove the cable ties as this will cause magnetic fields which can create heat in the wires and will defiantly increase resistance.
move all the cables to the back of the case behind the motherboard, the fan cables can be moved there also its only the fan cables causing the mess because you havent unwound them. 1s you unwind them they will be long enough to put in the back and clear out the middle of the case... the molex blocks with 2 connectors to a fan header should all be joined together on 1 power line this will stop most of the mess in 1 go...
also try using thumbnails next time...


This has to be a troll! haha

If its not:

- Your no.1 priority is to reinstall that CPU cooler, the fan is facing the wrong way! The wants to be sucking air in from the Drive bay area, blowing it throw the metal fins, and out the back of the case, and the case fan should be helping by sucking that air out.

- Just take the PSU out and start again, take both the back case panel off and route all the wire through one of the holes in the back plate, then only have the wires you need coming back through at appropriate locations. Any spare cables, tie them up and store them behind the back mobo pannel, or behind the drive cages.
Could just swap the fan over to the other side of the HS, save the whole reinstalling Hs issue,

Now I've seen the pics and wish I hadn't lol,
check through for some guidance, the build logs there have more detail but I go over a couple of the common issues with C.m. on that page,
Gallarian is on the right track I'm afraid, its take out and start fresh.
unroll all the cables from fans etc as well, you can feed them around most everywhere and having them coiled up like you have creates resistance, and in doing so, heat
and the main point I try to get through to folks, get a cable to the rear of the mobo tray as soon as you can, then its hidden,



DC magnetic fields have negligible effect on copper's resistance unless the conductors are passing thousands of amps. What may cause warming in tightly packed wires is the high concentration of I2R losses without airflow to cool it down. This is the same reason electrical codes rate #14 copper wires as only 15A when passing through insulated walls in gangs of three. If you gang four or more 3x14 cables together, you have to start applying derating.