[SOLVED] My computer boots slowly on normal mode but fast on safe mode

safe boot doesn't initialize all your hardware, it runs bare minimum that is needed to run windows. I doubt you get much of that time back as all the hardware needs the drivers to function correctly.
Kaspersky might mostly load after desktop, I find butdefender icon doesn't load right away but that doesn't stop you using PC.


Safe mode boots with a minimal hardware and software configuration.

So with less to do during boot up safe mode is faster.

Safe mode is used for diagnostic purposes: if a system will not boot normally then safe mode provides a minimal, functional working OS environment to allow troubleshooting to begin.

Also look in BIOS at the POST configuration settings. If normal boot is "slow" then you may be able to speed things up by making the POST less verbose.

Meaning that POST does not stop to report everything taking place and just continues until and unless a problem occurs.


Win 11 Master
its unlikely to be services slowing you down, it could be drivers

Can you download and run Driverview - http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/driverview.html
All it does is looks at drivers installed; it won't install any (this is intentional as 3rd party driver updaters often get it wrong)

When you run it, go into view tab and set it to hide all Microsoft drivers, will make list shorter.

Now its up to you, you can look through the drivers and try to find old drivers, or you can take a screenshot from (and including)Driver name to (and including)Creation date.

upload it to an image sharing website and show link here
All I would do is look at driver versions (or dates if you lucky to have any) to see what might have newer versions.

old drivers aren't always to blame, it can be any but its somewhere to start.


Feb 20, 2013
Here it is:



Win 11 Master
so apart from kaspersky you don't have that many drivers
not sure what EPMVoltFlt.sys is
not going to be process explorer
only other things are realtek audio and Intel gpu drivers.

whats the difference between safe and normal?? how long?


Win 11 Master
defender still not best AV, its not as good as the one he uses or Bitdefender

i doubt you get the difference back just not loading kasperksy, its more likely drivers and other things that aren't loaded in safe mode. I doubt any PC can boot as fast in both.

its only 7 seconds. HDD used to take minutes to load and you disturbed about 10 seconds,
defender still not best AV, its not as good as the one he uses or Bitdefender

i doubt you get the difference back just not loading kasperksy, its more likely drivers and other things that aren't loaded in safe mode. I doubt any PC can boot as fast in both.

its only 7 seconds. HDD used to take minutes to load and you disturbed about 10 seconds,
The best....no.
Is it good enough?.......for most folks it is.
It's just about keeping the pot small and simple.


Win 11 Master
safe boot doesn't initialize all your hardware, it runs bare minimum that is needed to run windows. I doubt you get much of that time back as all the hardware needs the drivers to function correctly.
Kaspersky might mostly load after desktop, I find butdefender icon doesn't load right away but that doesn't stop you using PC.