my computer is doomed! crashing!


Oct 16, 2006
doomed I say!

So basically, its a pretty old system it is as follows

amd xp 1800+
Asus A7V333 mobo
radeon 9500 (non pro) 128mb
80gig western digital HD (new one)
1GB 333mhz ram (1 stick of 512 444mhz + 2sticks 256mb 333mhz)

And basically in the last 10 months everything to do with it has gone to absolute hell. Basically its at the point where any half strenuous task will crash it. And its extremely temperemental too. I Cant play ANY ga,e without it crashing or locking up after about 10 minutes of play. Even going to re-install HL2:E1 is crashing it during the instal.

For the most part, the crashes will cause instant reboot. Other times the system will hang (90percent of te time the crashes occur whilst playing a game)

WHAT IS GOING ON!? it nver used to do this.

any help appreciated. thanks!
you say
I Cant play ANY ga,e without it crashing or locking up after about 10 minutes of play. Even going to re-install HL2:E1 is crashing it during the instal.

For the most part, the crashes will cause instant reboot. Other times the system will hang (90percent of te time the crashes occur whilst playing a game)

it seems tha you graphic card is causing you problems.
update the drivers.
use lower resolution in games.
hmmm maybe. im guessing its a PS and/or Graphics card problem. something physical. because ive just done a fresh install of windows, update drivers, etc. and the crashes occur in out of game things like photoshop and such.

there IS one sure-fire way to solve this problem


now...any suggestions on some new system hardware?
>now...any suggestions on some new system hardware?

Vid card bang-for-buck I'd go 1900xt or 7950 GT right now.

I'd also ensure to get a SLI ready powersupply for future expansion.

I'm holding out till the quad-cores come before I upgrade but right now Abit has a couple motherboards they say are Intel quad-core compatible so if you went Abit with Intel dual core you'd still be inline for a quad-core future.

I'd pull up Tom's CPU and Vid benchmarks and price check bang for buck

For your current system I'd unplug your cd-rom and anything else you can to put less strain on your powersupply as a test. If it crashes from non 3d strain then maybe check to see if your cpu heatsink is clogged and the fan is working full mast. One system I fixed which did the crashing game alot ended up being the thermal goop had enough and ran away.