My connection is extremely slower than other PC's in the house


Oct 19, 2014
My brother's PC speedtest: 12 Ping, 99.73 Download, 11.51 Upload
My speedtest: 37 ping, 4.56 download, 6.38 Upload

He is running Windows 7, I am running Windows 10. My PC specs, RAM and CPU included, are much better than his. My CPU is an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and I have 16 GB of RAM.

The wireless router is only in the next room, less than 5 meters away from me. My brother is upstairs on the opposite side of the house. I've installed and updated all NIC drivers. I've run antivirus programs and there are no threats detected. I've cleaned up my hard drives.

My NIC is called Realtek 8821AE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC

Is there something I'm missing?
you took the drive from your motherboard maker do you have anything that could interfer wireless signal betweeen you and the router specially other wireless device around even a phone or microvave if you are on 2,4 did you try the 5 gig band .

I've switched to 2.4 and 5, there was not much of a difference. There are no other devices around the modem or my PC that would have some sort of interference. As I said, my brother is all the way on the other side of the house on the second floor. I'm going to be trying a wired connection just in case the wall between me and the router is too thick or dense, but would it really matter if it's only a few feet away?