My cpu overheats and i dont know what to do at this point...


Jul 18, 2015
Hi. I didnt post this on "cpu" because i don't really know if the cpu is the problem.
I have the following issue since 2 years with my desktop computer that is 3years old:
I bought a desktop pc with
Mobo: Asrock FM2A58M-HD+
Hdd: western digital "blue" 500gb 7200rpm
core: Amd Apu A10 5800k
8gb Ram novatech
Generic Case "SFX" with only 1 fan (80mm) on the CPU
Generic awful PSU brand "SFX"
(i dont even know its wattage, because on the side it shows the details of the 350w,450w and 600w versions) so ill assume 350w.
No videocard.
Os: win 8.1[/b]

The symptoms:
Roughly after a year i bought it, many peaks and power outages in my home occured. Within that time, my pc overheated many times over 74°C when i played certain 3d games. As 74° is the peak of the default emergency shutdown of the mobo, my computer shut down incorrectly many many times (i was dumb and continued tryning certain games). That screwed my Hdd (too much bad sectors made the diagnosys show it as in "risk"). My OS went really slow and internet people told me it could die every time.
Some time after, I bought a new Hdd (western digital blue 1TB 7200rpm). The day i tried to install the new disk, the computer stopped working (only the CPU fan did turn on). A computer guy that owed me a favor came to my house and conclude that the Motherboard died.
He managed to get me a new Mobo (one cheaper than the one i had: "Asrock FM2A58M-VG3 + R2.0", which is the one im currently using).
So new Hdd, new mobo. It worked kinda OK until late 2015/ early 2016. It started overheating/slowing down again! So i bought a pretty decent cooling paste for the cpu (artic or something like that) and applied to the CPU. It didnt worked. It did still overheat.
My last guess was the cheap, shitty generic, PSU, so i bought a new one: "Seasonic 620w M12ii evo bronze" .
I installed it just today... the OS works fine, but at iddle the CPU temp goes near 66°C, with the case fully open and the cpu fan on 100% speed (set manually by me, but it doesnt make great impact on the temp compared to 80% speed i.e.).
Current layout:
: Asrock FM2A58M-VG3+R2.0
Hdd: western digital "blue" 1Tb 7200rpm
core: Amd Apu A10 5800k -same
8gb Ram novatech -same
Generic Case "SFX" with only 1 fan (80mm) on the CPU -same

Psu: Seasonic 620w Evo M12ii bronze
No videocard.
Os: win 8.1

Summarizing, what can be the reason that even after chaging the fried Mobo, the faulty Hdd, adding new heatsink paste, bought a decent PSU, makes my cpu temp goes crazy even at the most simple task (the only reason left is the cpu itself.. or the whole Asrock brand...I wont change themin near futuer as i've just spent money on the brand new PSU)

By the way. The temperature goes up ridicously fast (continuing even after the 73°C) on the BIOS screen, as it happened with this guy (similar MotherBoard):

Sorry for the long text.
Well. The goddamn thing was overclocked (it was on 3.9ghz out of a max of 3.8ghz) I dont even know why!! I think it must be the damn asrock. Downloaded AMD catalyst and set the max to 2.5Ghz. Now the temp goes back to normal...-
Edit. I went back to the asrock bios and says my processor maxclock is 6ghz... WTF!