[SOLVED] My CPU usage is spiking up and my GPU usage is sitting low in COD Warzone


Nov 12, 2014
I tried looking for threads that match my problem here ive came across close ones but nothing identical
a few days ago i upgraded to an RTX 2060 SUPER and everything was flawless except for call of duty warzone

it ocassionally kept crashing mid game and ive decided to track my cpu / gpu usage and temps
this is the result :

As you can see CPU usage is all the way up to 100% whether its in the main menu or in the game and my GPU usage looks to be very chill , sometimes spiking up to 90s with no clear CPU usage drops
Which is strange looking at the fact that its a GPU intensive game
I also have tried to turn off all the CPU Graphic options or set them to low and i was met with no improvements.
also i dont experience any stuttering or lagging in game just the issue above and possibly a crash to desktop

Could this be a possible CPU bottleneck?
Here are my specs:

16 GB corsair DDR3 memory
intel i5 - 4460 - quad core processor
ASRock h81m-DGS
Corsair 850w PSU

Any help is strongly appreciated
Damn man thats actually mad looks like its time to upgrade to a 9700k a new motherboard and a pair of ddr4's :c
my friends 8700k sits at 40% usage which is not surprising knowing its a 6 core processor
so its definetly my CPU bottlenecking here
what do you think?
It’s definitely the cpu. The 8700k has 6 cores but also has 12 threads due to hyperthreading. You should also consider Ryzen CPU’s for your upgrade.
Not surprising at all, it’s a very cpu heavy game. I’ve got a 3700x and COD MW uses 12 threads at >50% usage. An older weak quad core/thread is going to struggle.
Damn man thats actually mad looks like its time to upgrade to a 9700k a new motherboard and a pair of ddr4's :c
my friends 8700k sits at 40% usage which is not surprising knowing its a 6 core processor
so its definetly my CPU bottlenecking here
what do you think?
Damn man thats actually mad looks like its time to upgrade to a 9700k a new motherboard and a pair of ddr4's :c
my friends 8700k sits at 40% usage which is not surprising knowing its a 6 core processor
so its definetly my CPU bottlenecking here
what do you think?
It’s definitely the cpu. The 8700k has 6 cores but also has 12 threads due to hyperthreading. You should also consider Ryzen CPU’s for your upgrade.
I went from a i7 4790k (with no issues) to an i7 9700k and my cpu spikes were sticking at 100% the majority of time in Warzone, but even campaign mode would spike. I made the changes in the video below and my cpu usage dropped 40-50%. I also noticed my cpu was now running closer to the base clock (3.6ghz) instead of turbo boost (4.7ghz) most the time.

I went from a i7 4790k (with no issues) to an i7 9700k and my cpu spikes were sticking at 100% the majority of time in Warzone, but even campaign mode would spike. I made the changes in the video below and my cpu usage dropped 40-50%. I also noticed my cpu was now running closer to the base clock (3.6ghz) instead of turbo boost (4.7ghz) most the time.

I moved to a 9700k and everything is flawless rn 40-50 percent usage , so yea it was a heavy bottleneck
But thanks for the video my friend was actually experiencing this too