My friends computer has no display.


Feb 3, 2018
Here's the full story he sent to me.
"I was on my PC yesterday fine and it started to turn off and when I turned it on I could sign in and do things & then it would just shut down. Earlier today I went on my PC and when Windows would boot up it would just show a black screen. My keyboard and mouse would turn off and my PC would still be on and my monitor would say no display. Now when I turn on my PC it just says no display and I don't even see my motherboard. I was redoing the thermal paste off of my stock fan for my CPU the day before and it said there was a new CPU detected even though I didn't change it.
My specs are: AMD FX 6300, Nvidia GTX 1050ti, 1tb HDD, 8gb ram with a M5A78L-M USB 3 motherboard."

What seems to be the issue he seems really concerned. Any help will be great.
Hi! Sorry to hear that your friend has this issue. What PSU does he have? Did he install any drivers? How much thermal paste did he put on? Also, I know there's a pretty slim chance of this but has he tried clearing his CMOS?
Does he know what brand and model it is? Has he tried reseating the CPU? When the shutdown happened, was he gaming or anything?

All the specs were mentioned. I think it's just his GPU. His CPU is fine, if it wasn't it wouldn't boot up.
And no he came home from school and it showed a black screen while booting so I don't know.