Question my gpu utilization is 100% and processor utilization is low while gaming? is it issue?

May 15, 2022
my pc specs are ryzen 5 3500x ,
amd rx 480 msi gpu
16 gb of ram
my gpu is utilizing 100% during gaming but processor is oly 30 to 40 percent utilizing, is it a issue?
the temperatures are normal but there are lags and slow down of games performance, and sometimes face sudden fps drops down in the games
thankyou for your response
my full specs are:

gigabyte A520M S2H mobo
amd ryzen 5 3500x
MSI amd rx 480 4gb
reddragon 600 watt psu
16 gb 3200mhz RAM

i have try clean reinstalling driver but same.
Driver gets installed but when i start a game after 5 minutes of play the game shut down and i come to desktop automatically, some games don't shut down but shows a big lag or slow down between game. I have tried reinstalling windows and drivers serveral times. sometimes it gives error that "amd driver timed out" or amd is not picking up driver and even it happens 2 to 3 times that gpu driver automatically gets uninstalled. I have attached the gpuz screen shot.