My I/O Shield is **** [See note}

Well my thought would be to simply bend outwards the metal tab going into the DP port.

Then carefully flex it until it breaks off at the connection point to the main body of the plate. (Just below the "L" and the "P".)

However take a close look to see how much support and reinforcement that tab actually is intended to support especially when a DP plug is inserted.

Overall, wait for a few more suggestions one way or another before acting. Nothing to lose by getting more suggestions and ideas. Breaking off the tab is a permanent thing...

The only way to fix it properly is to move the MB, bend it back up and carefully slide the MB back in place. You may be able to remove all of the screws that secure the MB to the chassis and slide it away from the port. Or remove it like the previous post stated. It is intended to make a good electrical connection to the metal casing around the port to minimize EMI (electromechanical interference) which could be noise induced in the sound and or picture depending on how much interference is present
There's no magic fix here.

I consider the first reply the most practical here, but it's your choice which route you want to go.

If you don't cut the tab off, remove the motherboard screws with the case laying on it's side, and the motherboard should have enough play to slide a few mm in the direction away from the shield. You're only moving things enough you can push the tab back where it belongs. If your wiring job is so tight it won't allow for that, you might consider things may be too tight.
I had some free time and decided to unplug all cables literally redo everything. All I/O Shield ports are fine now. It was the hardest and most tiring route but yet the safest. I didn't want ruin anything.

Cheers and thank you everyone.

Just a heads up: you may want to remove that four letter word before the mods do. Since it looks like the mods have already done something once, it'll probably be better than letting them do it a second time (I don't actually know how lenient they are towards these kinds of things). Glad you managed to safely get everything where it needed to be though!