Question My i3-4160 boots at 110+ degrees

Jun 11, 2020
So my build has been fine for a while (it's really nothing amazing but does the job!).

I then left it for maybe a month or two without booting as it wasn't needed and I had no time for gaming etc. I've come to it now and when I boot I get a cpu over temp error and the bios shows upwards of 110 degrees. I swapped the stock cooler out for a cooler master liquid 120 as I had been meaning to for ages and still showing mega hot on boot.

I've seated and re-seated the cpu and cooler about 10 times now to get the best seal as I know a couple of mm can make a whole load of difference in terms of heat dissipation. In doing so I've bent a single pin on the one side of the socket on my B85M-G.

After a few minutes in bios it does drop to around 98 degrees but still waaaay too hot.

So here I am, any ideas? Cpu/mobo dead?

ANY help is gratefully received!


Since posting this using my phone, I decided to boot the PC. It boots fine and using HWMonitor and OpenHardwareMonitor I see CPU temps of around 80 degrees - not 100 +. So now I'm super confused about the fault ....


I've actually now had the pc running a couple times and ran the HWMonitor and noticed that it's the mainboard temp that's at 127 degrees and the cpu is running at 60ish. Not sure what to believe the bios or the couple of software monitors that show the same numbers of mainboard being hot not the cpu?
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Did you replace the paste each time?

Yeah new paste each time.

I've actually now had the pc running a couple times and ran the HWMonitor and noticed that it's the mainboard temp that's at 127 degrees and the cpu is running at 60ish. Not sure what to believe the bios or the couple of software monitors that show the same numbers of mainboard being hot not the cpu?