Question my i5 3rd generation, displays single core in device manager/task manager


Feb 20, 2017
I have just got my PC motherboard replaced with Intel DH61CR. The PC was working really slow at first I thought its windows issue, but after re-installing the windows it is just the same. After checking the Task manager, the CPU usage percentage is really high 100% most of the time and its only working on ONE core and ONE thread.

I tried updating bios but it doesnt work or that msconfig advanced option unchecking the box that doesn't work either


Not sure if this will help, but here are a few ideas from other people that have tried to solve these issues:
In Control Panel/Power Options, if you have settings at 'Balanced' or 'Power Saver', many cores will remain 'Parked' until needed, especially in Power Saver mode on Battery.
Experiment with the power options and monitor the cores in Resource Monitor/CPU Tab.
(In High Performance Mode, no cores 'park' themselves)
Click on Start and type "msconfig" then click on program as it appears. Click on boot tab, then advanced and check if there are processors limited...
Perhaps it's malware. You sadly may have to update/replace bios then reinstall windows