ive built my computer like a year ago and it was good at first every game was running pretty normal and noticed minecraft took 80% minimum cpu usage and i know minecraft is mainly just cpu based but it was a bit extreme and i overtime things just got worse..... csgo would drop average frames and so would rainbow but also my cpu usage increased by a lot. For example.... rainbow would be stuck an a minumum of 60% cpu usage and opther things like google chrome would randomly spike up and come at 40% and it would max out my cpu causes my game to fluster down to like 50 fps and just jump up and down for a couple seconds until my cpu stabilizes. also in csgo but its in every game and even when i have just chrome open itll randomly go to 60% and somthing else would bump up to 40% like discord and then they will both go back to normal and recently my pc will randomly freeze completely for 5 seconds and will be back to normal and also games dont feel as smooth like hz wise my monitor supports 144 and it doesnt really feel smooth like it use to also in my task manger anyhting at the top of the list will have "very high" power usage like somtimes it would say discord would have very high cpu usage and things below it would idle at high or medium. Here are my specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/k4ysHh . Please help this has been going on for a month know and idk how to fix it
i had made another post and i did everything they told me to do even completely re installing windows and i have the same problem and everyhting just uses high cpu usage and very high power usage
i had made another post and i did everything they told me to do even completely re installing windows and i have the same problem and everyhting just uses high cpu usage and very high power usage