Hello peeps,
So I built my PC a good 5-7 years ago now and it has ran amazingly up until the last year or so. My PSU began creating a very loud and obnoxious noise. I attempted to clean and de-dust everything but the noise persisted. Thefore I decided to purchase a brand new one of the exact same model and Wattage. I disassembled and reassembled my whole set up but once I tried booting up my PC, it doesn't turn on. It will flash my led lights and I hear it go on for a split second but will immediately turn off. If I try doing it again, nothing happens. I've searched and looked this issue up and it seems like a lot of others have had the issue. It can't be a PSU issue cause its brand new so I'm not sure what to do now. I've also of course rechecked all cables and connections to make sure they're right. Could it be short circuiting somewhere and how would I even solve that?
This is my current Set up as well: Https://pcpartpicker.com/user/GookLord/saved/#view=LsjZcf
So I built my PC a good 5-7 years ago now and it has ran amazingly up until the last year or so. My PSU began creating a very loud and obnoxious noise. I attempted to clean and de-dust everything but the noise persisted. Thefore I decided to purchase a brand new one of the exact same model and Wattage. I disassembled and reassembled my whole set up but once I tried booting up my PC, it doesn't turn on. It will flash my led lights and I hear it go on for a split second but will immediately turn off. If I try doing it again, nothing happens. I've searched and looked this issue up and it seems like a lot of others have had the issue. It can't be a PSU issue cause its brand new so I'm not sure what to do now. I've also of course rechecked all cables and connections to make sure they're right. Could it be short circuiting somewhere and how would I even solve that?
This is my current Set up as well: Https://pcpartpicker.com/user/GookLord/saved/#view=LsjZcf