Question My PC doesn't want to display ?

Jan 22, 2025
Yes I can't get my PC to display anything, not even the BIOS Menu when I boot it up normally.
All I did was move it to install my new RAM stick, then when I went to turn it back on it didn't display anything.
Yes I can't get my pc to display anything not even the bios menu when I boot it up normally all I did was move it to install my new ram stick and when I went to turn it back on it didn't display anything

full specs and are you adding a kit or another single stick of diffrent ram.

using diffrent vendors and diffrent single stick ram can stop a pc working.

remove the new stick.

make sure ram is in 2 and 4. if its a kit.

mixing diffrent rams in 2 and 4 will usually either cause a non boot or the other ram will default to slowest speed.
I wouldn't say "usually", but it's certainly often. And in some cases, disparate DIMMs will simply not play nice together. Other times, it will work just fine. It really matters whether the board likes the stick at all and whether the DIMMs will play nice together. If their specs including the timings, speed and voltage are too different, they just won't no matter what. Other times, as you say, they will but everything will just default to whatever the lowest JEDEC values are that can work for both sticks.

And knowing what the board is is helpful because there may not even BE a slot 4 if the board has only two DIMM slots. The majority of microATX boards and even some ATX overclocking boards, and certainly most ITX boards, have only two. Knowing facts is how we can make determinations. Without them, it's all just a guess.
Yes I did everything seems to work fine but fine the display it's crazy

I really don't know what they are because I bought the pc a couple months ago and I don't remember what they are my mobo ASUS H170-PRO-ASUS-3805

And I used multiple ram sticks i had 3 working but when i put the 4th stick in today & tried booting it it wouldn't display anything

They are all different ram sticks don't know what you mean by 2 & 4
Turn the computer off. Take out all of the memory. Install only ONE stick of RAM in the A2 slot. See if it works. If not, turn it back off and try the next stick. Repeat until you either get a display or you run out of sticks.

Do you have a graphics card installed or are you using the integrated graphics from the CPU? What is your CPU model? What is your exact PSU model?

Yes I did everything seems to work fine but fine the display it's crazy

I really don't know what they are because I bought the pc a couple months ago and I don't remember what they are my mobo ASUS H170-PRO-ASUS-3805