My PC loop flushing method


Mar 7, 2014
My loop consists of nickel, brass, and copper part. No aluminum whatsoever. Now this procedure does not involve changing pipes, or taking radiator or blocks apart, my buildup is very low in my loop , so I don't need deeep cleaning. For that I recommend, taking every part out and cleaning it thoroughly

1) Flush my entire loop with tap water for hour or 2 (water goes in the inlet and comes out of the other side after flushing every part)
2) then flush it again with 10% vinegar and 90% water. I basically just fill the loop with the solution and run it in the loop for another 2 hours before draining it
3) flush the solution with distilled water and drain it after 2 hours

For now, I am not gonna refill the loop with any coolant, just 90% distilled water, pt nuke (1 or 2 drops), and then 10% car antifreeze , 90% distilled water. After three months I will repeat the flushing procedure (the 3 steps above) , but refill the loop with some cool coolant and leave it there for 6 to 8 months,. Let me know what you think
That's a pretty common flushing routine, some even use 25-50% vinegar solutions.

Not sure you would need PTNuke + automotive coolant (is PTNuke still around? I thought PetrasTechShop went out of business?, it seems to still be around...I stand corrected)

Take that back...maybe the site just still exists? All the gear on the front page is a couple gens old.