[SOLVED] My pc monitor has a pink tint, help please?

Apr 9, 2021
Hello, I'm trying to connect my pc to a monitor (model: Philips 226V4) via an VGA (monitor) to HDMI (pc) adapter. When I connect it to the pc the monitor's menu is with the right colours but my pc output results with a pink tint over all the screen. I've tried other monitors with the same cables and adapter and they all work fine and have the right colours but they are a bit smaller compared to the Philips monitor so I'd like to find a solution to fix this problem, could anyone help me please?
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Take a look in Window's Device Manager > Monitors > select the monitor/right click > Properties to determine what drivers are installed or are being used for the Phillips Monitor.

Check Phillips website for any drivers specific to the Phillips 2226V4 monitor.

You may find other websites offering the drivers - do be very wary of such sites.
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Take a look in Window's Device Manager > Monitors > select the monitor/right click > Properties to determine what drivers are installed or are being used for the Phillips Monitor.

Check Phillips website for any drivers specific to the Phillips 2226V4 monitor.

You may find other websites offering the drivers - do be very wary of such sites.
They are right, the specifications might help if using the same cables and adaptors but different monitors did not result in any tint.
I have Windows 10 and my hardware specs are: AMD ryzen 5 3600, PRIME b450M-K II, NVIDIA GTX 1660, do you need other informations?
I've tried to update the drivers but it says that it has the last ones, I really don't know what to do.