well not knowing too much about it but PSU could be on its way out I have some suggestions
PSU Tier list tier 1-2 are good for gaming
I would recommend an EVGA SuperNova Gold G2 / or new G3 /GS / GQ, Platinum P2 / PS, or Titanium T2 or a Seasonic M12-II Evo or S12-II
GOOD PSU EVGA is a B2, G2, G3, P2, GS, PS, or T2. Avoid the EVGA B1 and G1 series/ I bought a EVGA G3 with 7year garentee
Power supply Calculator
https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vhKH99 SeaSonic - S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply