Question My pc works fine, but when playing games after a while my pc screen goes black.

Aug 30, 2022
My pc works fine normally, and the issue is that when i play a game, for example Roblox, after playing for some while, my monitor screen, keyboard and mouse go black, but my pc LED lights and fan are still on. I personally think the problem is that i dont have a graphics card, and my pc isnt the best, around low to mid. So im planning to buy a decent graphic card and i will give further details later about it.
Processor:AMD A6-7480 Radeon R5, 8 Compute Cores 2C+6G 3.50 GHz
RAM:8,00 GB DDR3
64 Bit OS running Windows 10
no Graphic Card, planning to get this one:
Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer.

Either one or both may be capturing some error codes, warnings, or even informational events just before or at the time everything goes "black".
i will try it if i start playing something that makes it all go "black", and i think Bioshock is the perfect candidate, since when i tried playing it it almost instantly went black, probably lower than 3 minutes.
i fell like i need to say this, as this problem seems to be the PSU, but when i bought the pc and all, builded it, i think it was my sister that plugged the PSU in (she bought the PC btw) and it didnt work, turns out we plugged it wrong, so it might be that.
UPDATE: Turns out its very likely to be a PSU issue, since my family has a tendency to turn it off by cable, when its on, so im a bit scared lmao, also im probably gonna buy that GFX card, so im gonna open the PC and check the PSU. so yeah, how do i fix this? do i need to buy a new PSU?
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Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer.

Either one or both may be capturing some error codes, warnings, or even informational events just before or at the time everything goes "black".
after checking on it, it seems like it has had hardware issues on the days that it happens, so yeah
BIG UPDATE, MIGHT BE SOLVED VERY VERY SOON:Turns out i still have guarantee on the PSU! this saves me so much time, so i will be contacting my sister and telling her what happened, and i will update you guy asap!
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