Question My ping is spiking and not going down.

Wade Wilfong

Mar 17, 2020
I first reset my router the first time it happened. Then it fixed but after about 20 minutes it spiked to 100 ping and didnt come back down.

I have Ethernet
No one is on the internet because its 2:00 am
My "normal" average ping 31
Make and model of your router? Might want to see which firmware version the router is on. You might also want to see if the networking adapter you're working with needs the drivers updated or uninstalled and reinstalled. If this is a laptop or a desktop machine, make sure you're on the latest BIOS update for the motherboard prior to updating the networking adapter's drivers.
Make and model of your router? Might want to see which firmware version the router is on. You might also want to see if the networking adapter you're working with needs the drivers updated or uninstalled and reinstalled. If this is a laptop or a desktop machine, make sure you're on the latest BIOS update for the motherboard prior to updating the networking adapter's drivers.
yo i cant get admin rights for my router because isp has it also they wont let me get a bought router