My Unigine Valley score. What's yours?

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Reset settings to defaults in nvidia control panel. Scores can be manipulated by forcing some options off there which can do things like turning off AA in the driver, making the score much higher than someone running full 8x AA.
Daily score

thats more like it and around where other higher performing gk104's are at. what is your overclock?

not sure since im not on my gaming computer right now but its around 1240 core clock and high 1k's maybe 1800-1900 for memory clock
FX 8350 @4.5Ghz
2x4 GB Corsain Dominator Platinum @1600mhz
SAPPHIRE R9 290 TRI-X @ 1010Mhz core/1300Mhz RAM


Sapphire r9 290 tri x xfire stock clock. I want to OC them but I'm still running on a 750w PSU. CPU is oc'ed to 4.4ghz. Is this score normal or underperforming?
valley does not seem to favor the new hawaii chips for some reason. as far as gk104 vs tahiti... their both right in line as far as benchmark numbers with the full tahiti chips in the 7970/280x generally beating out the gk104 in the 680/770 by a small margin with high overclocks. the gk110 hold a huge lead over the hawaii chip, especially after overclocks.

my single 780 gets a 3349 score with a high overclock... 4316 is less than 1000 points ahead, with two cards. i dunno... you seem very low.

scoll down... click on dual gpu... and look down the graph at the other 290s in crossfire. you will see a lot of 780s in there but there are a few 290s... drag the graph to the right for the score/fps... it seems you are either a little low... or these other 290s are very highly overclocked.

I saw the link that you posted. It's true that alot of benchmarks in the top 30 uses 780.

How will I benchmark my 290s to test if it is performing what it suppose to do? I only have valley to test it though.

run each card individually if you want and compare to the other single card numbers. you should let msi afterburner monitor your cards to see if your having a throttling issue due to heat or other factors.

running ddu to clean out any leftover driver crap that is always left behind and reinstalling whatever amd ccc version most agree is the best for crossfire can help.

something isn't right here... you should be much higher than this. my highest score on extreme hd 780@1375mhz was 3389. you should be able to match my score with a modest overclock.

Upgraded from a single 680 and a stock 3570k to 2 780ti's (both liquid cooled) and a 3570k with a 4.8 overclock (Also liquid cooled)
Thought I'd post the score, I'm rather happy with it.