This is my new score.
Back to the CPU stuff. I don't think my CPU can go any higher anymore. 4.4 GHz is all it can handle even with water. How sad. I had it at 4.5 with 1.29V and it froze couple hrs later. Had the 4.6 setting by 1.35 and did the same. So I am officially jumping off the IB train for SB-E or Haswell in a month or so!
Back to the CPU stuff. I don't think my CPU can go any higher anymore. 4.4 GHz is all it can handle even with water. How sad. I had it at 4.5 with 1.29V and it froze couple hrs later. Had the 4.6 setting by 1.35 and did the same. So I am officially jumping off the IB train for SB-E or Haswell in a month or so!