Question My userbenchmark score got much worse ?


Are there or were there specific performance problems with the system?

What, if any, problems were occuring? Any error codes, etc.?

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

What, if anything, was done or attempted to improve the benchmark scores?
Jun 12, 2024
ı did benchmark like 3-5 times and ı tried to overclock and overclock didnt help but heat pc

I have asus dual evo 4070 super ,A620M-k motherboard ,corsair icue 3000d 750w case,
Thank you guys a lot I did everything you said and now gpu benches 216 cpu 108
ye, but thats just magic trick, theres no improvement
heres your benchmark

cpu score is and was okay (cpu frequency/score), the only thing that pegs your score is memory score, because your ram is running at 4800MHz, while you have 5200MHz ram slotted in.
so go to bios and enable XMP/EXPO, that would inmprove your memory score and userbench would give you better cpu score
ryzen memory score (doesnt matter which generation) should be 80+

gpu also has no performance improvement, fps will differ every run as gpu doesnt run at static gpu clock
you could undervolt your gpu and/or increase power limit, so GPU could boost higher, other than that, evey benchmark result would yeld you different numbers
Jun 12, 2024
ye, but thats just magic trick, theres no improvement
heres your benchmark

cpu score is and was okay (cpu frequency/score), the only thing that pegs your score is memory score, because your ram is running at 4800MHz, while you have 5200MHz ram slotted in.
so go to bios and enable XMP/EXPO, that would inmprove your memory score and userbench would give you better cpu score
ryzen memory score (doesnt matter which generation) should be 80+

gpu also has no performance improvement, fps will differ every run as gpu doesnt run at static gpu clock
you could undervolt your gpu and/or increase power limit, so GPU could boost higher, other than that, evey benchmark result would yeld you different numbers
Why isn't it stable?
Why isn't it stable?
because test is short, and you can really expect userbenchmark to be some decent benchmark....anyway, windows can fiddle which core it will run on, not every cpu core has same performance level, and each core can boost to variable boost clock, gpu has also variable boost clock
variable means one run it boost higher, another it will boost multiple tests, then make averages of it, and there goes your performance line with +-5% rin to run difference