n5010 VGA card color problem

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Apr 13, 2015
Hello friends,

I have a problem in my VGA card when connecting the laptop dell n5010 to a PC/TV monitor that it does not give the colors as they are. I tried replacing the VGA cable, the same thing.
I tried connecting the monitor to a PC, no problems, colors were perfect.
The following picture shows the problem:


what can I do to solve the problem ? is it from the VGA card ?
Should I replace it ?

Thank you all.
I can't see the pictures at work, but did you check the video settings to make sure they are set to 32 bit and to the correct resolution for the screen? Is the laptop screen itself fine?

You can check for an updated driver from Dell.

If all those look OK, you may have a bad connection.
Thank you hang-the-9,

Yes I checked the video setting to be 32 bit and I think the resolution is fine. And the driver all up to date.
I tried another VGA cable, nothing is changed, and the cable worked fine to other Laptops.

I also tried using an HDMI cable, it worked almost fine, but the picture is not very sharp, I think the HDMI cable is a bad quality.

Is it possible that the VGA card has a problem ? If I changed it, may the problem vanish ?

Thank you for your time/

Can you test the card in another computer? If you see the same thing with it, then you would know it's the card.
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