Need a CPU upgrade for 3D animation & modeling. What's my best option?


Feb 28, 2017
Hi all, new to the community. I've been running circles around my head figuring out a CPU upgrade.

Currently I use an Intel i5 2500k, along with a GTX 970.

I work in Maya for 3D animation and modeling work, occasionally run some simulations and dynamics, as well as modeling in Zbrush. On top of that is 3D rendering and some video editing. I've had to do more demanding work recently and my CPU has often been lagging behind at full load limiting my productivity and performance. In the near future I'll need to be rendering a short CGI animation sequence.

What I'm looking at getting right now is the i7 7700k.

I'm not very familiar with Xeon processors but I do know they are more oriented for workstations.
What I'd like to know is will I get a better value/performance going for Xeon processor equivalent to a 7700k? Or am I better off with an overclocked 7700k?

I am also aware that I will need to upgrade my motherboard whichever route I take.




Jun 22, 2016
You'd want to invest in ryzen i believe. Very good multicore performance at a very reasonable price point compared to competition. Particularly the R7 1700 is a very popular option for pre-orders already at only 329 dollars, and shows to beat the 7700K by up to 40% in Multithreaded applications, at a similar pricepoint
As promising as Ryzen has been shown by AMD, I believe a lot of people are waiting to see independent benchmarks before making a fully formed judgement on Ryzen's capabilities.

Given how rendering appears to work, a strong multi-core CPU is advantageous which would mean looking at the i7s or Xeons and their Ryzen 7 counterparts.

If you can, I would suggest waiting for those benchmarks and availability to be more stable before committing.

EDIT: for clarity.


Feb 28, 2017

I've only recently heard of Ryzen and just did some quick digging on it's lineup. It does seem very promising for its pricepoint and very well topples over the 7700k. I am now really considering pre-ordering the 7 1700 as well, or even the 7 1700X as the price difference isn't that much off.

Edit: Is it a good idea to wait til more AM4 motherboards become more available rather than pre-ordering? I'm asking this because there aren't many options for motherboards here where I live in New Zealand.


Feb 28, 2017

Yes, I've actually decided on waiting for those benchmarks to be released. I need to know for certain if it is more viable to opt for an Intel than the Ryzen 7's.