Build Advice Need a PC build review/ suggestions to change parts ?

Aug 22, 2022
I am trying to build a new PC that will be mainly used for Photo/ Video editing (Premiere Pro , Photoshop etc.,) and a little bit for gaming as well.

Here is my build below

AMD B450 AORUS Motherboard - Rs 11,800 INR
AMD RYZEN 7 5700x processor - Rs 24,550 INR
Nvidia 3060 Ti GIGABYTE - Rs 43,500 INR
Corsair Vengeance 16Gb 3299mhz (2 units) - Rs 9,500 INR
Corsair CV650W PSU - Rs 5,350 INR
MSI Mag Forge 100M Cabinet - Rs 4,200 INR
2TB Seagate Barraacda HDD - Rs 4,350 INR
Samsung Evo 980 500Gb NVMe SSD -Rs 4,650 INR
Benq PD 2700 Q MONITOR -Rs 2,6950 INR

TOTAL -Rs 1,34,850 INR

My Budget - Rs 1,40,000 INR

Please share your suggestions/ reviews / alternative parts and let me know if I am missing out on anything.

Thanks in Advance
Here are hardware recommendations for photoshop from puget systems:

Two things jump out at me:
1) Likely, you will want more ram than 16gb.

2) 650w may not be enough for the psu, and the Corsair CV units are not highly regarded. Look for a quality psu with at least a 7 to 10 year warranty.

Lastly, with upcoming processor launches from intel and amd imminent, I would not jump on a processor purchase now unless the need was urgent.
I would warn that it is highly possible that your B450 board will need a BIOS update before it will work with a 5xxx series CPU. I did a quick look and did not note a BIOS flash feature listed in the spec. (such as allowing BIOS flash without CPU/RAM).

"Support for" doesn't mean it's already flashed for. It would be a good idea to check the CPU support list on the motherboard manufacturers website to see what BIOS will be required. Of note, there are several different models of that AORUS board (Pro, M, etc.) so be sure to check the specific model you are looking at purchasing.
I would warn that it is highly possible that your B450 board will need a BIOS update before it will work with a 5xxx series CPU. I did a quick look and did not note a BIOS flash feature listed in the spec. (such as allowing BIOS flash without CPU/RAM).

"Support for" doesn't mean it's already flashed for. It would be a good idea to check the CPU support list on the motherboard manufacturers website to see what BIOS will be required. Of note, there are several different models of that AORUS board (Pro, M, etc.) so be sure to check the specific model you are looking at purchasing.

Which mother would you suggest?