Need a router/firewal for WAN/VPN Failover, Load Balacing...


Aug 28, 2006
HI everybody, i write here cause i need help by some expert about this
I got two offices, one with about 10 computers and the other one with 6
computers. the 10 one has a DomainController (Win 2003) instead the 6
one have only a Workgroup.
Both offices have 2 xDSL lines each one (one ADSL and one SHDSL).

My object is find an hardware to do:

- WAN and VPN Failover;
- Loadbalancing (but this point isn't so important);
- Creation a vpn-tunnel between 2 routers, so i could have only one
internal network for all my computers in the two offices;
- Merge all the computers in the Domain (the small group will add to
the domain only for autentification);
- Using QOS or other way to route all traffic generated by VoIP one
only one of two xDSL;
- I'm looking for UTM solutions and not;

I've just founded some "candidates":

- Juniper Network Netscreen 5GT / 5GT Plus
- Watchguard Firebox edge X 5 (but i dont how cost the upgrade for WAN
- Watchguard Firebox edge X 10e
- Secure computing SnapGear SG 580 (or 560)

If you know some about this models let me know if they could be a good
solution for me or if you have all other suggestions write me 'em here!


Take a look at the Netgear FVS538 router.

I think it has all of the features you are looking for.

I have the 338, that I have been testing VPN with. Router to Router and client to router. The limiting factor seams to be the uplink bandwidth, using 3DES with auth.
I would do some more checking say maybe at the dslreports forum for Netgear. Before Netgear pulled the plug on their online support forums, there were numerous complaints about the 538. Everywhere from the failover/load balancing not working as advertised to constant lock ups.